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Breaking News: High Court rules parts of the 2022 Police Act discriminates against Gypsies and Travellers

A landmark legal decision handed down this morning has found the 2022 Police Act to be incompatible with the Human Rights Act.

In January 2024 Drive 2 Survive supported the court case that led to this important judgement.

In a landmark decision handed down today, the High Court has decided that certain provisions in the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 that were introduced by in 2022 (the anti-Traveller law), amount to unjustified discrimination against Gypsies and Travellers.

The High Court has taken the significant and unusual step of issuing a declaration of incompatibility under section 4 of the Human Rights Act 1998, which means that Parliament will have to now have review the controversial law to ensure that complies with human rights.

Drive2Survive Co-Chair, Jake Bowers said: "It is fantastic news that the High Court has ruled that the racist anti-Gypsy provisions in the Police Act amount to unjustified discrimination against Gypsies and Travellers. Coming just days before Romani Resistance day on May 16 which celebrates the only recorded uprising in Auschwitz concentration camp, it just goes to show that when Gypsies and Travellers unite and fight and work directly with powerful lawyers that we are as effective and powerful as any community in Britain.

"For those about to go travelling and for those police forces keen on stopping nomadic life, this is a much needed dose of justice. For the Conservative Party that brought in this piece of ineffective performative cruelty, let's hope it becomes another nail in their electoral coffin. When parliament reviews this legislation it is vital that changes the law to defend a nomadic right to roam." 

Drive 2 Survive was founded to stop this law and it vindicates everything we have done since 2021. We will be congratulating the courageous Romany woman who brought the case and the lawyers, Friends, Families and Traveller and Liberty that supported this crucial fight.

The full wording of the High Court Judgement is below:

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